Committed To On-going Research and Innovation.
We have grown and evolved over the years, along with the industry and our customers have been our partners along the way.
We believe in taking the time to understand our customers’ individual needs.
Our history is the most evident proof of our seriousness.
Today, R&D is the hub of our organization. Here our engineers and technicians develop products in compliance with custom requirements, thanks to advanced technological tools and test range that allow high precision measure and control.
ALDENA constantly increases its technological know-how: 20% of our annual revenue are invested in R&D.
Design & Prodution are 100% Made in Italy. Production, Research & Development, Test & Quality and Training area are located in a 19.000 m2 facility in Settimo Milanese (Milan – Italy).
Our technical Know How is based on experience achieved on field, developed with ongoing research and development, and consolidated with prestigious partnerships (Universities, public and private research centres, expert consultants).
Our technical laboratory, quality and production departments use high-level equipment and we are strongly committed to continuous improvement, with a special attention to the automation prompt in each step of the production cycle.

With more than 40 years of hands-on experience, TELECOMUNICAZIONI ALDENA is nowadays one of leaders in the telecommunications and broadcasting industries.
Since 1979, on the basis of experience dating back as far as the Twenties, ALDENA – an entirely Italian Company – has been producing professional antennas and accessories for telecommunication and radio/television broadcasting. Since its establishment, Aldena has taken part in important telecommunications network projects on both national and international level.
Thanks to the company’s valuable knowledge and skills gained over the years, Aldena is able to offer innovative products and solutions, which have enabled thousands of broadcasters go on air.
Aldena also offers a range of value-added services: from radioelectric design and planning – obtained through a highly specialized software division – up to factory tests, installation and field strength measurement.
Day by day, constantly building on its results, ALDENA is gaining an International recognition from prime operators in public and private radio and TV broadcasters all over the world.
Numerous Government Broadcasters are using our antennas, and our software tools has been successfully adopted by Universities and Electromagnetic Emissions Control Agencies.
Aldena is a reliable, innovative, and customer-oriented company with a long history of engineering excellence in designing and manufacturing a wide range of antenna system and coaxial components.
- Radio FM & DAB+ Digital Radio
- Analog & Digital TV (VHF Band I, VHF Band III, UHF Band IV/V)
- Radio links
- Civil & Military Application
- Monitoring & Measurement
- Custom & OEM Products
- Tower top/side spines
- Mechanical structures & Mounting Accessories
- Balanced and unbalanced power splitters
- Switching unit and Manual Switches
- Filters and combiners
- Coaxial Components & Accessories
- Transmission line
- Turn-key antenna delivery
- Pattern Design
- Pattern Certification on ALDENA test plan area
- Calculation Services
- On-site services (survey, commissioning, measurements)
- Training
- EMLAB: advanced antenna design, coverage/interference studies, EM Near field analysis.
We are a company that has made quality its philosophy.
In today’s highly competitive, highly reactive marketplace, it is essential a Customer-oriented approach.
ISO 9001 certification, that ALDENA has achieved, is guarantee of a workaday quality standard management system to achieve continuous improvements in all aspects of our business from design through manufacture and assistance.
Mission & Vision
Every day is a new opportunity. our strategy is passion, study, research and experience.
Focus on Customers: Customer's needs are our challenge.
Be protagonists: Continued efforts in R&D for the best performances and quality-to-price ratio of our solutions.
Employee Satisfaction is a Key for our Customer Satisfaction.
ALDENA is recognized on the international market as a competent, professional and reliable company, with great technical capabilities and … a friendly interface.
High professionalism, excellent technical performance of products, pre and after sales assistance accuracy and high precision in all the services offered are the main prerogatives of ALDENA products.
All this is guaranteed by a flexible and reliable organizational structure.
ALDENA is the IDEAL PARTNER with whom to create and implement any project, with the certainty of always being in direct contact with professional interlocutors of extensive experience and top professional skills.

Roberto Di Bari

Carlo Perotta

Paolo Teoldi